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Grace of Calvary Ministries, Mexico

Grace of Calvary church was founded in 2011 by Jose Luis and Cindy Pesina and is under the umbrella of Calvary Chapel, Mexico.  The church is in an impoverished area of Tijuana, Mexico and the lead Pastor, Daniel Anaya and his wife, Luz live nearby.  The local Mexican staff is engaged and committed to teaching the Word of God, verse by verse and are seeing lives changed for Jesus Christ.  Godly leaders are being raised up and serving in the church and the community.  The future of these people is being changed as they know and grow with God! The vision of the church is to REACH-EQUIP-SEND the body of Christ.  Ephesians 4:12

 The church endeavors to love their neighbor and help the poor with basic human needs.  Their lunch center serves many children daily.  They also help children and youth with education, uniforms, school supplies and tutoring.  The ministry provides monthly medical clinics, emergency relief, clothing, and food for families.  All of this is an organic approach to community transformation with God at the center.